“Perceiving (and Engaging) from the Heart”

Lubashivaya and Ganesha at Centro Cultural Swami Vivekananda, São Paulo | Centro Cultural da Índia | Consulate General of India – São Paulo – Brazil

#SundayWisdom 🦉 03.04.2022

“Perceiving from the #Heart🫀!”
By Adyashanti ︎| Adyashanti em Português

As we keep on a continuous learning curve to keep up with #technology#AI#metaverse#INTERNET4#DigitalMarketing, #cryptocurrency and #NFTs, just to sample a few sources of anxiety and restlessness…

Adyashanti reminded me of how the simple (yet deep) things in life can come from (and direct you) to your own #Heart🫀!

Mostly experienced as a self-driven, often solitary and “non-promotional” activity, the everpresent power of the #Heart🫀needs to be rediscovered, especially in times of social unrest, violence, angst, hunger and despair.

The #Heart🫀 connects us with the deepest motives and reasons about who we are, who we have become and why we do what we do.

A few questions the #Heart🫀 connection prompts are:

1. Do you know who you are?
2. Do you know why you are here?
3. Do you know what to do here, while you’re here?
4. Do you have a purpose, a mission and a vision?
5. Do you do what you love?
6. Do you love what you do?
7. How does your being here makes this blue planet🌐 and the living beings in it better and more equipped to become the best versions of themselves?

The answers to these questions from the #Heart🫀

– aren’t easy, but can be simple;

-︎ aren’t fixed, as they can be evolutionary with change and self-learning experience;

– aren’t to be carved on stone, so they may envolve as the vision redirects itself from the outer worldly frenzy towards “having” to the innermost re-discovery of our own authentic and  spontaneous “being”, where our own personal truths and most secretive dreams lie.

As for #vulnerability, considering that in our current digital world of “superheros/superinfluencers” being simply “human” and humble enough to be continuously learning has given precedence to airing out an almost 24/7 “self-promoting” and an utterly “self-confident” persona — it´s quite healthy to constantly look back at our paths and thoroughly try to evaluate the ups and downs along the way, some of the crown-jewels collected and all the so very many (and invaluable) lessons-learned — provided our ultimate analysis can keep us awake and alert about the ego-trips we play(ed), and how we must tear them down to reach our best possibility (and potential) for the sake of actualizing that purpose, mission and vision we had identified and/or established a bit earlier, when we started sharing this.

On this Sunday (03), I share the story of #Lubashivaya, that inner wisdom that made itself present from unexpected sources and circumstances (back in 2007) and, since then, established an evolutionary personal challenge for me to pursue — and I must say that it has been one of the most amazing experiences towards my own self-discovery process, as a result of perceiving (and engaging) from the #Heart🫀.

Link: https://lubashivaya.wordpress.com/about/

ॐ नम: शिवाय

Originally posted at lubashivaya. | https://fb.watch/c9T3eT1pH3/

Based on Adyashanti´s video speech on “Engaging from the Heart“.

Quotes from this Video:

“The longer I teach, the more I see the importance of the head dropping into the heart. It’s so vital.”

“People are hungering for something and so much of it is to actually see life through the heart.”

Excerpted from (his) “Perceiving from the Heart”. https://bit.ly/3skJeg9

Try to exercise by stretching your mindset From (Mind) To (Heart) for a moment of Awareness with this article.
Anatomical heart isolated. Muscular organ in humans and animals, which pumps blood through blood vessels of circulatory system. Heart diagnostic center sign. Human heart cartoon design. Vector


Adyashanti describes the vital process of dropping from the head into the heart. By engaging with life through your heart, you access the intuitive capacity to perceive unity and a more intimate connection with all of existence.

About Luiz Botelho

no labels; free-minded; receptive to new ideas; values knowledge & experience sharing; music & art are musts in life; also creating best possible conditions for quality of life, self-realization, world peace & equality.
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